Elizabeth Sabatine aka Lizzy, was a mamma of three daughters, a therapist, community organizer, and champion of women. Lizzy dedicated her life to helping others and brought people together across races, religion and political beliefs. 

She poured as much love as she could into every person she met including singing songs while washing dishes, listening to a stranger talk about their grief, getting on the ground to meet a child with her eyes, and never ever letting you know that she was fighting for her life in her battle with breast cancer.

My mom always had the best wisdom for any life situation. From heartbreak to setbacks, grief, and relational hardship, she could easily break things down into digestible pieces and normalize your emotional experience. When she passed away I felt like I lost my compass. I graduated college in the midwest, moved to New York City to start my life and the weight of my sadness felt unbearable. I would find quiet places to try to reach her and ask her for help just like I would have picked up the phone to call her if she were still here. These moments of solitude allowed me to hear my own inner voice and calling and follow that voice into self-understanding and out of grief and depression. I would not be the coach and woman I am today without my mom. 

A practicing psychologist and radical feminist, my mom used her voice and community connections to advocate for the rights of women and underrepresented populations and staunchly believed in the liberation of women. Love, Lizzy is my attempt to honor her life. I believe all of us deserve a Lizzy in our corner.

a note from our founder

© Love, Lizzy Co.